Garfield The Movie
Based on the popular comic strip, this live-action comedy follows the exploits of Garfield (Bill Murray), the large, lazy and wisecracking cat owned by hapless Jon Arbuckle (Breckin Meyer). Jon's other housemate, Odie, is a dim but sweet dog who frequently annoys Garfield. When the conniving orange feline gets fed up with Odie, he devises a way to get rid of the pooch. However, after Garfield has a change of heart about Odie, he must find a way to get his fellow pet back.
Garfield: A Tail of Two Kittens
Garfield (Bill Murray) follows Jon (Breckin Meyer) to England and receives the royal treatment after he is mistaken for the heir to a grand castle. However, the feline will need all nine lives to foil the plans of evil Lord Dargis (Billy Connolly), who wants to turn the castle into a resort.